25 billion downloads



Our class was trying to find when the apple app store would hit 25 billion apps downloaded. The average downloads a minute was 34200. On Friday Feb. 24 2012 the downloads were at 24,658,678,549 at 6:32. So I took 25 billion and subtracted it by 24,658,678,549 and got 341,321,451.  Then I divided 341,321,451 by 34200 and got 9980.1 then divide that by 60 because there are sixty minutes in a day and got 166.3. After that I divided it by 24 because their are 24 hours in a day and it was 6.9 so I rounded to 7 and the contest should end on Friday March 2 2012 at 5:20 if the download stay at the same rate.

Student Led Conference

I can subtract and add negative numbers. It was easy because I learned it in 7th grade. Multiplying and dividing negative numbers was harder but it got easy as I practiced. I can perform the distributive but I still have trouble. Combing like terms is easy but with distributive it’s a little harder  but still easy. I can evaluate positive and negative exponents its pretty easy too. Simplifying expressions using exponents is something I think i’m good at. So I think my over all grade should be a high B or a low A Because I under stand most of the stuff but not everything.

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